DNA Traccia supplies lyophilized reagents to laboratories across the globe. We were asked to create their website, slogan, B2B strategy, and craft compelling copy.
DNA Traccia Sciences
Public Health
Unlike other alternatives, the lab's reagents are transportable at extreme temperature, making PCR tests for numerous diseases accessible even to developing nations. We created the slogan "Lifting Barriers to PCR Testing" to communicate their mission and USP, and prepared a B2B strategy to complement their market expansion plans.
We love working with companies with heart. So, as soon as we learned about DNA Traccia’s commitment to health equity, we jumped at the opportunity to help grow their global presence. We built a clean website targeted towards biotech, public health, and global health professionals, diving deep into research to develop a strategy and an emotionally resonant brand purpose and copy
that is not only scientifically accurate but also engaging and easy to follow. Together with their Chief Scientific Officer, we highlighted important product attributes and curated content for their DNA Knowledge Center. DNA Traccia Sciences currently works with the World Health Organization and Asian governments to provide affordable diagnostic-grade PCR reagents.
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